slow inside

ashley river brant: rituals to connect with earth, spirit and self

Episode Summary

ashley river brant is a multi-dimensional artist, teacher and author of "tending to the sacred: rituals to connect with earth, spirit and self." in this conversation we talk about the four pillars of ritual and how we use them to create our own life, building courage to follow your own longings, the power of pleasure and the consequences of not following, and how to create your intention and get back into (or stay) living a creative life.

Episode Notes

ashley river brant is a “multi-dimensional artist, writer, teacher and bridge between worlds.” she is a “spiritual alchemist with a vision of bringing more beauty to this planet […] a mystic sharing the teachings of the otherworlds, a channel for Mother Earth.”  her work is “about reconnecting you to your creative genius–the whole ecosystem of life swirling within you. guiding you home to your […] heart’s longings, burning desires, powerful intuition, and truth.” she is the author of tending to the sacred: rituals to connect with earth, spirit and self.

in this conversation we talk about 

connect with ashley river brant:
@ashleyriverbrant on instagram

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